Rising Grades 6-8
A six-week course that covers an overview of basic physics concepts. This course is intended to generate interest in the physical Sciences through hands on laboratory activities in various areas of physics. This course is highly recommended for rising 6th and 7th Graders as it can be used as a strong supporting evidence example in preparing the Student Information Sheet (SIS) during TJ/AOS admission process. This course is also highly recommended for rising 8th Graders who have not participated in enough STEM based activities so far. Physics is the backbone of Engineering and inspiring the young minds early on is the key for their academic success in later years. Classes meet twice a week.
Rising Grades 7-8
A six-week course where students will learn important physics concepts (in the areas of classical physics, light, sound, electricity) by conducting and analyzing experiments and simulations. The course is taught by a highly experienced physics professor at the George Mason University.
In the C-Language camp, students will use and learn the C-language programming software to learn from the ground up all of the fundamentals of reading and interpreting mathematical operations using C-Language. Throughout the camp, students will be working on several projects and will receive instruction with several goals in mind related to mathematical calculations.
Rising Grades 1-12
During this one-week camp, students will use hands-on robotics kits along with our experienced robotics instructors to learn the intricacies of Arduinos and robotics. Our team of instructors will be walking students through the basics of assembling the robotics kit to programming it to follow a line, detect walls, and many other projects throughout the week. Students will learn basics of C++ or Arduino programming, and will gain experience with assembling and testing a robot kit. See page.14 for the camp itinerary.
Rising Grades 7-10
During this one-week camp, students will use a web-based programming software to learn ground up all the fundamentals of computer programming in Python. Throughout the camp, students will be working on several projects, and attend lectures from experienced programming students. Our team will go over the basics of Python programming and delve into advanced techniques, while incorporating many activities and projects.
Rising Grades 6-9
During this one-week camp, students will use a web-based Computer-Aided Design software to learn the in's and out's of 3D design. Our team of experienced instructors will be sharing their knowledge of 3D design with students, showing not only how to model and create their own parts from scratch, but also how to connect, assemble, and animate entire assemblies. By the end of the camp, students will have worked on dozens of projects to build their skills, including gear assemblies, part modeling, and even assembling entire robots!
Now we are accepting New students Enrollments for Winter Courses
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